Thank Goodness Its Friday! Week # 2 (04/01)

Welcome to Thank Goodness Its Friday! Our linky will open every Thursday night so you can join us for Thank Goodness Its Friday, also known as TGIF. Let’s make some new blogging friends and celebrate the end of a wonderful week!


Would you like to be featured as our Guest Host for the TGIF blog hop? Just fill out this form by clicking here. We are promoting growing blogs with less than 500 followers.

To join us in the Thank Goodness Its Friday Blog Hop follow these 3 easy steps.

1) Follow your three hosts and leave them a comment on their blog to let them know you are following from the TGIF blog hop.

Becca's Perspective

2 Against 1

Curious Cora

2) Add your blog to the linky.

3)Follow the 2 blogs directly above yours and leave a comment letting them     know you are following from TGIF Blog Hop.

Then, please stop by as many blogs as you can. 

We'd love it, if you would place the linky to the Blog Hop somewhere on your page, whether it's on your sidebar, a "Blog Hops" page or a separate post. Please help us support this blog hop!

Have fun and remember to stop by again next week!

1. Curious Cora  14. Two Children and a Migraine  27. Frazzled Mama  
2. 2 Against 1  15. Everyday is a New Day!  28. Jessicas Lil Corner  
3. Becca's Perspective  16. sadgeatplay  29. BBL - I follow back  
4. basilmomma  17. My Journal About Stuff  30. The Single Nester  
5. The Purple Goddess  18. Confessions of a Marine Wife *follows back*  31. NailPolish FollowsBack  
6. Mom's Online Garage Sale  19. FREE Custom Blog Designs  32. Blended With Love Follows Back  
7. Magical Memories Follows Back  20. Fifi's Closet  33. Twingle Mommy  
8. Mom-a-Logues  21. 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe  34. Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas  
9. Mommy's Peanut Gallery *Follows back*  22. Jersey Mom Blog Designs  35. Money $aving Michele  
10. Cassandra @ Aubut Family  23. DRD DESIGNS  36. adventures of frugal mom (follows back)  
11. Houndstooth and Nail: A Stylist For Hire  24. The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug (follows)  37. Biscuit with Apples  
12. bassgiraffes Thoughts- FOLLOWS back  25. Posh Pooch Designs  38. karen  
13. Moms Bookshelf & More  26. Ill take 2, follows back  39. A Goddess of Frugality- Follows  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Potty Training Success

If you had asked me last week how the potty training was going, I would have said we were on our road to success. Unfortunately this week we're flushing a much different story.

A couple of weeks ago, Brady went potty. YAY! Not because he told me he had to go but I had just managed to put him up there at the right time. We were fortunate enough that Daddy was home to enjoy the first big potty moment. I imagine Brady thought his father and I were crazy, as we both jumped up and down screaming with excitement for him. Even Laura was screaming and clapping.

This Mommy cannot lie. I know consistency is the key to successful potty training, but during that first week, consistency is something I lacked. Last week however, I was consistent and he managed to go 3 days in a row. You can imagine a mother's excitement when she's avoided 3 stinky diapers! Saturday, Mommy was a little preoccupied getting ready for a baby shower and what not so by the time Brady hit the potty it was unfortunately too late.

Sunday came and went with no potty success. Monday morning, back in routine and still no potty. Monday night I caught him grunting, so I grabbed him and sprinted down the hall. Success. Unfortunately though, yesterday was a flop again. A week ago I was ready to buy training pants, this week I'm thinking we're not going to need those for a long time.

I am thinking my mistake was my lack of consistency. When I put him on the potty 3 days in a row at roughly the same time, he went. In the coming weeks, I must make sure to focus on consistency to ensure potty training success.

Athlete I Am Not

Wow! Today was just one of those days. You know those days, when you just can't seem to open your eyes. You fight with yourself to get up and out of bed. Needless to say that's how I felt this morning. Laura and Brady played happily in their cribs for awhile so rather then get my butt out of bed, I opted for an extra 15 minutes or so sleep.

Unfortunately it didn't help much. I think it's just been too many late nights in a row in this house. Two coffees and a bowl of cereal later and I just couldn't seem to get motivated. Poor hubby, he had to put up with lazy, not-so-friendly wife. He's met her before, but he doesn't really like her. I know my husband doesn't care if I have a lazy day but not-so-friendly wife is something he doesn't like dealing with.

So, by lunch, this not-so-friendly wife decided running would be a good way to get herself both motivated and out of her crazy state. Well, I would like to start off by making it quite clear that there is a HUGE difference between running with a Wii remote and running outside. Yep, I've been running with that remote for a long time now. Thinking the whole time that I was an athlete.

Well today I realized an athlete, is something I am not. I would say I managed to jog for about half and power walk the rest of the 2.5 km run I had mapped out for myself. What was I thinking, running on the spot in the living room for 20 minutes doesn't constitute to mapping out a run quite that far. Once home, it took me nearly an hour to cool down. My chest felt like it was caving in. Now hours later, the longer I sit here the more I am stiffening up.

Needless to say not-so-friendly wife was left behind on the run. This made for a much more enjoyable afternoon. We'll have to see how I feel tomorrow, but this Mommy has a new mission. I plan on being able to run those 2.5 km's without dropping down to a power walk.

Let the training begin.

Thank Goodness Its Friday!

Welcome to Thank Goodness It's Friday! Our linky will open every Thursday night so you can join us for Thank Goodness It's Friday, also known as TGIF. Let’s make some new blogging friends and celebrate the end of a wonderful week!


Would you like to be featured as our Guest Host for the TGIF blog hop? Just fill out this form by clicking here. We are promoting growing blogs with less than 500 followers.

To join us in the Thank Goodness Its Friday Blog Hop follow these 3 easy steps.

1) Follow your three hosts and leave them a comment on their blog to let them know you are following from the TGIF blog hop.
Becca's Perspective

2 Against 1

Curious Cora

2) Add your blog to the linky.
3)Follow the 2 blogs directly above yours and leave a comment letting them        know you are following from TGIF Blog Hop.

Then, please stop by as many blogs as you can. 

We'd love it, if you would place the linky to the Blog Hop somewhere on your page, whether it's on your sidebar, a "Blog Hops" page or a separate post. Please help us support this blog hop!

Have fun and remember to stop by again next week!

1. Flip Out Mama (follows back)  14. Marni's Organized Mess  27. Adventures of a Couponista  
2. Becca's Perspective  15. Making Financial Cents  28. Two Children and a Migraine  
3. Curious Cora  16. Modern Fashion Sewing  29. henry happened (Will FB!)  
4. 2 Against 1  17. Keeping Up with Mrs. Jones  30. Confessions of a Marine Wife  
5. basilmomma  18. Money $aving Michele  31. Raising My 5 Sons  
6. Mommy's Peanut Gallery *Follows back*  19. Greenacremama-Follows Back-  32. Cinnamon Bubbles  
7. Dashing For Deals  20. Coupons Equal Cash  33. The Single Nester  
8. A Housewife Little Abode  21. Grandma's Guide to Life  34. The Organic Blonde **Follows Back**  
9. Super Single Mom and Her Side Kids  22. ChicnSavvy Follows  35. christina  
10. Jen @ Simply Living  23. Real Housewife *Follows Back*  36. Love You Always & Forever (Follows Back)  
11. Frugal Invitation  24. The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug (follows)  37. Twingle Mommy  
12. 1At Play  25. Crazy Mama Writes  38. Be Our Best  
13. Pretty Opinionated  26. Michelle@ Family Apprve  39. Beader Bubbe  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tumbling Toddlers

As Laura and Brady get older, they're moving faster than their little feet will let them go. This is leading to tons of tumbles and tears in this house.

I've read baby proofing your home is important with toddlers, but I think you can only "baby proof" your home so much. Yes we've moved chemicals, breakables, sharp objects, etc. out of their reach. However, just last night Laura was sitting in on the couch, she swung herself backwards and hit her head off the arm of the couch, which happens to be wood. I am sure baby proofing your home, doesn't mean purchasing new padded furniture, padding your walls, etc., some falls are just unavoidable.

Because falls are inevitable and occurring on a daily basis in this house. I've compiled a small checklist of symptoms I watch the twins for after a fall.

Keep in mind I continue to watch the twins for at least 24 to 48 hours depending on the severity of the fall.

  • Vomiting 
  • Tiring easily, appearing lethargic.
  • Change in behavior, irritability, crankiness.
  • Change in eating patterns.
  • Difference in breathing pattern
  • Loss of balance, clumsiness, unsteady walking.

Concussions can be difficult to detect in toddlers because they can't communicate as well as an older child or adult. The above is only a small checklist, there are several other symptoms which can be due to a concussion. If you are unsure if your child has a concussion call your family doctor or proceed to your local emergency department or walk-in clinic.

PR & Advertising

Reviews, giveaways and features are a great way to promote your product to my readers. As well they are a pleasure for me to write and host.


  • Advertising space is provided on an individual basis. Please feel free to contact me directly to begin advertising.


  • Products that 2 Against 1 receives for reviews will not be returned and the shipper is responsible for all shipping costs.
  • 2 Against 1 will host your giveaway and select the winner at random. Prizes must be shipped directly from your company to the winner. The winner's information will be forwarded to your company.
  • If your company is sponsoring a giveaway your advertisement will be placed in the sidebar 2-3 days prior to the giveaway and during the giveaway. It will also remain there for 1 week following the end of the giveaway.
  • For reviews and features your advertisement will be placed in the sidebar for 2 weeks. You are responsible for providing your own button for advertising (125 x 125). If you don't have a button and would like one made, 2 Against 1 can have one made for you (contact for pricing).
  • 2 Against 1 accepts monetary compensation for some reviews.

Winners for giveaways are chosen via The prize winner's information will be provided to you for your company to ship directly to the winner. Please specify if giveaways should be open to US, US & Canada or internationally.

*** All reviews are written based on my honest and personal opinions and/or experience with the product or service. If I am not pleased with a product, I will write a fair and balanced review, providing both pros and cons. If there are any problems with the product where I feel I am unable to do so, I will contact the PR representative/firm that sent the product to me. ***

Happy Spring a Great Week

What a great week it has been here at 2 Against 1. It started and ended with a little makeover. First with the new header and lastly with my new button. Both were designed by BKB Graphix. We co-hosted "The Middle Matters" Mid Week blog hop with  Makobi Scribes, and was surprised today to be the spotlight in The Sunday Strolling Hop hosted by The Chickenista Reviews.

Laura and Brady had a great week too. With the sun shining, the snow melted and a little warmer temperatures a lot of our time was spent outside. They absolutely love the outdoors, especially when they they don't have to wear their snow pants, allowing them to move around a little more freely. They were surprised when we initially went outside and rather then loading them into the van I pulled out the stroller.

Taking the twins for walks and playing at the park was a pleasure and I must say a great workout too. What a difference the park was this year from last. By the end of last fall they were still mainly fixated on the swings. Laura and Brady spent most of their time in them, swinging back and forth, giggling. The twins were intrigued by the slides though, as they had spent many summer days watching a few of their cousins slide down them endlessly. However at that time, they were still a little too young to slide down them.

Well this year, they have definitely remembered how much fun their cousins were having. When we got to the park I put the twins in the swings, just as I had on several other trips to the park. Brady laughed and enjoyed himself, however Laura didn't want anything to do with the swings and was actually scared of them. After the swings it was straight over to the slides and that's where we stayed. Slide after slide was followed by laugh after laugh.

With Spring now, here we are sure to have many more days just like these.

Happy Spring!

Blog Hops


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The Mystery Rash

Recently our house, well Laura in particular, was plagued with what we were calling a mystery rash. Literally here today, gone tomorrow. Better yet, here for 20 minutes, gone for 20 hours. I first noticed this mystery rash while giving her bath. It was almost as though she had what looked like a couple of welts or swollen bites on her arms.

Because of how fast the mystery rash seemed to spread although it stayed only on her arms, I took her to the hospital. If I had noticed the rash only 15 minutes earlier we could have gone to the walk-in clinic instead. I suppose this could be called, first time parent syndrome as the rash didn't seem to be bothering her, no fever, really no change in her at all. However, my husband and I wanted to be sure she was okay.

Of course by the time we made it to the hospital and registered her, the rash was gone. Considering the time was nearing 10 p.m. and we were looking at a minimum of six hours before she was going to be seen by a doctor, we left. Both Laura and Brady had a family doctor's appointment scheduled for the following morning, so I figured I would just mention it to him then. As well, my husband and I monitored her closely through the night.

The family doctor said she probably had an allergic reaction but as to what, he had no idea. He told us to watch her closely in case it happened again. That day she was fine, no rash. The third day was another story. Off and on throughout the day these same welt-like bumps were showing up on her arms. My husband and I racked our brains trying to figure out what could be causing this mystery rash.

We narrowed it down to two possibilities. A different cereal she had been eating through the week or the change in laundry detergent. We've never had a specific brand of detergent that we used, as we've always just bought whatever was on sale. Go figure the week the "name-brand" detergent is on sale, I buy it, and....... hello rash.

Needless to say all that laundry I was complaining about, well at least a quarter of it had to be re-washed. Knock on wood though, we must have been right. Since we went back to the cheaper detergent, the mystery rash is gone. The laundry on the other hand, it's still there.

The Middle Matters a Mid-week Blog Hop 3/14

How exciting!!! 2 Against 1 is co-hosting The Middle Matters Mid-week Blog Hop. Thanks for hopping by.


This weeks co-hosts are Love Lucy Locket2 Against 1, and Akron Ohio Moms

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Load After Load of Laundry

Lately it seems as though there has just been load after load of laundry. I've felt overwhelmed and literally buried in it!

When Laura and Brady were only a few months old, they, like most babies vomited a lot. Laura especially. She was the type of baby who had  to be burped every couple of ounces. If you didn't burp her enough she would vomit and be so fussy due to gas. Brady on the other hand, he could drink almost all of his bottle and was fine. Either way, at the time they went through at least a couple of outfits a day. I though I felt overwhelmed by laundry then.

Strange thing, is now that Laura and Brady are older there seems to be even more laundry. Last week it felt like either my husband or myself were doing at least one load of laundry per day. We used to be quite good with our laundry, it would be washed, dried, folded and put away all in the same day. With the exception of my husband's clothes as he for some reason refuses to put them away.

Now, for whatever reason, the laundry isn't getting put away until the following day. Whether we've gotten sidetracked or forgot about it, at least one load of laundry is always left overnight. By the end of that following day there is already, at least two small loads of laundry. It's like their is never no laundry to be done.

I miss those days of a couple of loads per week, rather than 1 load per day. I guess the leap in loads is to be expected when a house goes from 2 members to 4. At least as Laura and Brady grow so do their clothes. I remember how excited I was when I first started receiving all of the cute clothes for them. Organizing their dressers, sorting through clothes. Now, it seems like the small clothes never end. Especially with the amount of small clothes you can fit in per load.

Oh well at least it's a new week. With that week means new loads of laundry though :)

18 Month Needles can be Stinky

Today Laura and Bradys got their 18 month needles. We've been lucky as they are usually pretty good with their needles. Crying initially and carrying on through the day as if they had never had them. Again we were lucky as today was no different.

The day was fantastic, beginning with stinky diapers and a great breakfast. This has become a typical morning in this house. Our goal was to be out of the house by 9:00 am, we pulled out of the driveway at 9:10 am. I think leaving only ten minutes later then scheduled isn't bad at all. My husband did everything he could to get us out the door by 9 am, but it was Mommy that was running behind today. Regardless of my procrastination this morning, we still made it to the doctor's office on time.

As always when we got to the doctor's office Laura and Brady were the entertainment for everyone. They have a unique way of making friends everywhere they go. And like anyone else, they enjoy the special attention their new friends give them. Twice during all of her cuteness at the office Laura managed to poop, making the stinky diaper count in this house up to 4 before lunch.

They both cried at the poke of the needles but were fine once they we left the office. We decided to take advantage of Daddy's having the day off work and go to the mall for a little window shopping. Because they've been so good in the past we knew they'd be fine after their needles, so off we went. They were excited when we got to the mall. There is a double fire truck cart they enjoy riding in.

During our adventure at the mall I even managed to talk Daddy into going to the Zeller's Diner Restaurant for lunch. This is a big step as he's been nervous about taking Laura and Brady into a sit down restaurant. I've only been asking him to for months. With it being so close to lunch time though, my idea won him over and off we went. Laura and Brady we as good as gold and spoiled rotten. The waitress even gave them free smartie cookies for dessert. This after Daddy had already treated them to their first drink of chocolate milk.

Once finished eating we continued to wander the mall for a little while longer and then headed home. Laura and Brady fell asleep on the way home and went straight to their cribs for their naps. They were quite tuckered out from their adventurous morning. Thankfully lunch and naps were a good break from the stink however, it they both woke up with stinky diapers. That's where I stopped counting.

I'm not sure if the stinky diapers were payback for the needles or not.But poop and needles aside, it was a great day!

Ready, Set, Potty?!?!

After just over a year and half of changing diapers this Mommy cannot wait to start potty training. I'm not quite sure if Brady and Laura are on the same page though. Brady absolutely loves sitting on the toilet with his training seat. Laura, not so much. She'll ask to get on the toilet but once her diaper is off and you try to sit her on it, she freaks.

She has no problem telling me when she's "pooped" regardless of where we are. Just the other day in Wal-Mart, she announced over and over again "Poop, poop" as she pointed to her bum LOL! The real kicker, there was no poop in that diaper. Brady grabs the front of his diaper when he's gone pee but is yet to actually go on the toilet.

I've done a lot of research on potty training and I know every child is different. So what has worked with one child, just may not work with mine. There are several tips and tricks that I have come across and look forward to sharing them with everyone.

Mommy's first task for this potty training mission is to get Laura comfortable with the toilet training seat. I read somewhere that using a stuffed animal or one of her toy babies may help. Placing them on the training seat and explaining to Laura what they are doing will hopefully make her feel more comfortable.    I am hoping this will work as I'd like to avoid buying a potty if I can.

Perfect Sunday Morning

Pre-marriage, pre-babies I longed for my Saturday nights with my girlfriends. Coming home early Sunday morning, sleeping until late Sunday afternoon. Those were the days....... or so I thought.

Sunday mornings have become my Saturday night. The Daddy in this house has to work crazy hours to keep the house afloat so Sundays are the only full day we have together as a family and we cherish it. We do our best keep our Sundays free so we can spend together as a family.

It's a treat for Daddy to be the one to get Laura and Brady out of their cribs on Sunday's. They get Mommy all week and miss their Daddy. A few weeks ago I was going about my Sunday morning routine, getting Laura and Brady's breakfast ready while Daddy got them from their bedroom. We try to stay 5 steps ahead of the twins, something we've done since they've been born and has proved to work well in this house.

As I finished up in the kitchen, Laura walked in , Brady behind her and lastly Daddy. As I watched three of the most important people in my life walk into the kitchen,  I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotion. This same Sunday scene has occurred on many occasions in this house. However, there was just something about that Sunday morning, something that made me realize how truly lucky I am.

I would not trade one of these Sunday mornings for all of the Saturday nights I used to have. I now look forward to Sunday mornings. The pitter patter of four little feet and two big feet coming down the hall. For me that sound is the sound of a perfect Sunday morning.

Best Friends From the Start

Do you remember when you met your first best friend?

Imagine what it would have been like to spend each and every day with that person. Not having to worry about your parents letting you have a sleep over or not because you lived together. Watching Brady and Laura today made me think about how truly lucky they are to have each other.

From the very beginning, they have had each other. Growing together in my belly. Experiencing life outside the womb together as they shared their first few hours together in an incubator. Coming home together. Crawling, talking, and walking together.  Most of their firsts have been together.

Best Friends from the Start

There's nothing quite like the connection twins have together. There are several times during the day when they're not playing together. One may be in their bedroom and one in the kitchen, however they still periodically check on one another. I think it's amazing. If Brady does something new for the first time Laura will clap for him and vice versa.

When they were babies if one cried so did the other one. I know this is natural for a lot of babies, but they usually only cried for each other when the cries were genuine. For example, Brady was quite concerned about Laura's cries when she was gassy and in pain. However when she had and still has the days where she cries without reason, he doesn't cry.

I know as they grow older they are going to fight and argue, as all siblings do. I believe though they will continue to have a strong connection. A connection that hopefully no fight or argument will ever be able to break.

Today they were running up and down the hallway chasing each other, over and over again, giggling. Is there a sound better than that? A sound better than a child laughing, especially when it's your child with their best friend.

Mortimer Be Quiet - Robert Munsch

"Bang-bang, rattle-ding-bang goin' make my noise all day"

For those of you aren't familiar with the story of Mortimer , it was one of Robert Munsch's many great children's books. Growing up I enjoyed reading Munsch books. So before Laura and Brady were born I made sure to buy a set of his book for them.

We've read Laura and Brady the series of Munsch books on several times during our bedtime routine. Each night we would do our best to read a different book. It gave the twins a variety and Mommy and Daddy a break from reading the same the story over and over again. That is until a few weeks ago when Laura and Brady first began trying to say Mortimer's famous line "Bang-bang, rattle-ding-bang goin' make my noise all day!" This is said at eight time throughout the book. I'm surprised I'm not saying "Bang-bang, rattle-ding-bang goin' make my noise all day" in my sleep.

At first my husband and I thought they looked cute swaying back and forth saying "bang, bang". They haven't quite master the rest of it yet. Needless to say, here we are at least three weeks later, still reading this same book.

There are nights where I thought I was pulling a fast one on them, by reading a different book at bedtime, but no such luck. As soon as I would finish reading the different book they would both go to the dresser (where they know Mortimer is) and starter pointing and asking for it.

Let's face it. Is it really worth turning bedtime into a fight because I've read this book so much that now, I want to tell Mortimer to be quiet. I don't think so. It takes 5 minutes to read the story, Laura and Brady go to bed no problem and Mommy's happy too!

So, for now Mortimer it is.

Mommy's Messy Lunch

Okay parents, I'm sure everyone has had a lunch like this one. If there is one thing Laura and Brady know, it's mealtime. Breakfast, lunch or dinner, they LOVE their food and they know what time they usually eat.

So, today Mommy was a little behind schedule, just one of those days. I'm rushing around the kitchen preparing their lunch, Daddy's lunch for work tomorrow, filling the sink, etc. Multi-tasking, something every parent must learn to survive.

Well sure enough, after Laura and Brady finished their pancakes and apples, I got up to grab their yogurt. As I spun around to give it to them.............

Laura & Brady - "Uh-Oh!"

one yogurt slipped out of my hand and hit the floor. As you can see it may have actually hit the stove first. Either way, a few choice words come to my mind. However, knowing their are little ears listening I say "DRATS!!!".  As I'm wiping the floor clean I hear a little voice from behind me. "Drats, drats, drats" Is there an echo in here? Nope just another word Laura has now learnt. Good thing I didn't say what I was really thinking.

"Yes, Laura, drats is right!" 

On a lighter note, at least that part of the kitchen floor is now extra clean. I had already given it a wash earlier this morning, isn't that how it always is.